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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Aspire Believe Achieve

School Policies

Below are some of the school policies. If you have any questions concerning these policies please contact the school.

  1. Accessibility Policy
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  3. Anaphylaxis Policy
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  4. Anti Bullying Policy and Procedures
    PDF File
  5. Anti-Racism Policy
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  6. Assessment Recording & Reporting Policy
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  7. Attendance Policy
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  8. Behaviour Policy
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  9. CCTV Policy
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  10. Charging and Remissions Policy
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  11. Collective Worship Policy
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  12. Complaints Policy
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  13. Curriculum Policy
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  14. Cycling Code of Conduct
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  15. Data protection policy
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  16. Drugs and Substance Abuse Policy
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  17. Equality Duty
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  18. Exams Policy
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  19. Exams Policy Access Arrangements
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  20. Exams Btec Policy
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  21. Exams Contingency Plan
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  22. Exams Word Processor In Exams Policy
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  23. Extended Learning Policy
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  24. First Aid Policy
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  25. Freedom of Information Act
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  26. Home School Agreement
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  27. ICT and Acceptable Use Policy
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  28. Lettings policy
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  29. Literacy Policy and Procedures
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  31. Marking Policy
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  32. Medical policy
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  33. Mental Health And Wellbeing Policy
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  34. Mobile Phone Policy
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  35. Most Able Students Policy
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  36. One to One Device Acceptable Use Policy
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  37. Privacy Notice
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  38. Relationship, Sex and Health Education Policy
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  39. Remote Learning Policy
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  41. SEND Policy
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  42. Statement of Procedures for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse
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  43. Student Leave Of Absence Policy
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  44. Students with medical conditions policy
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  45. Suspension and permanent exclusion Policy
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  46. Teaching & Learning Policy
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  47. Therapy Rabbits
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  48. Uniform Policy
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  49. Vexatious Complaints Harassment in School
    PDF File