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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

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Food & Nutrition

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Why choose this subject?

Nutrition is the basis of every society in every culture.  This course is designed to cover a wide range of cooking skills and techniques to make a range of multi-cultural dishes.  From making English Scones to Tex Mex chilli, students will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge about staple foods, food miles and food commodities.  They will develop an appreciation for other cooking methods and commodities of popular foods from their chosen culture.

Food preparation skills develop through practice and as we offer 2 lessons per week, we are able to cook every week which encourages independent work, time management and proficiency in this discipline.

Course content

The basic skills cover measuring out of ingredients, baking, boiling, pasta cooking and sauce making to knife skills in vegetable preparation .  This gives each student the opportunity to improve and develop cooking skills further as they can trial different popular dishes.

By carrying out the research students develop an appreciation of different cultural foods, traditions and celebrations whilst identifying the characteristics of staple foods.

More importantly students will be able to describe the function of ingredients in different dishes, nutrition, sources and benefits. 

Students will by the end of the course be able to modify dishes and understand how to cook through a range of methods and techniques, how to make quality products independently and safely and understand healthy food choices. 

Possible careers

Jobs in the restaurant and bar trades, public hotels, cruise ships, aeroplane and train hostessing, from fast food outlets to high end fine dining providers cater for a range of talents and skills in micromanaging to business plans, waiting tables to Sous Chef.  There are many career paths which start your interest at Lealand’s High school by applying yourself to learning about Food and Nutrition  at Key Stage 3 to Hospitality and Catering Level 1/2 Award at GCSE level.

If you have any questions about Food & Nutrition, please contact Mr Butterfield, Assistant Director of Design Technology.