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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Aspire Believe Achieve

Rewards And Achievements

At Lealands High School we are proud of the successes of our school and the individuals within the school and believe in celebrating and rewarding achievement and success.

Students can gain Striving Towards Excellence Points (STEPs) in every lesson which can be spent on a choice of rewards through Epraise (our online platform - see below).

Points are awarded in the following catagories:

Rewards assemblies take place each term where students may receive subject commendations and other rewards for excellent effort, attainment, attitudes and contributions.

There is a formal annual Presentation Evening for students demonstrating consistent excellence to which parents are invited. Rewards and celebrations are key for us in emphasising the positive and ensuring excellent behaviour and effort.

Rewards assemblies take place each term where students may receive subject commendations and other rewards for excellent effort, attainment, attitudes and contributions.

There is a formal annual Presentation Evening for students demonstrating consistent excellence to which parents are invited. Rewards and celebrations are key for us in emphasising the positive and ensuring excellent behaviour and effort.

Reward trips

Each year group are encouraged to work towards 2 reward trips per year.  The criteria is shared with all students at the beginning of term and revisited during assemblies and tutor times:

Criteria to be invited on a rewards trip:

  • Attendance 96%+

  • Punctuality 98%+

  • No consequence referrals from lessons 

  • No suspensions

  • No deliberate truancy 

  • No Internal Exclusions

 In December Key Stage 3 visit the Pantomime and Key Stage 4 visit Winter Wonderland. Those who cannot attend, are given a movie afternoon in school. In March, students have the opportunity to go Ten Pin Bowling, and student voice is asked for ideas to motivate and engage students. 

Each half term, students with zero demerits are rewarded with a chocolate bar for displaying the school values, and are met with the Assistant Headteacher to discuss school. 

Weekly we have a tutor group 'Conduct Cup', we have a weekly focus, and the winner tutor group is presented with the cup in Assemblies, the weekly totals are combined for a tutor group 'treat' at the end of each half term. This encourages our students to support each other, and take responsibility for everyone's learning and behaviour. 


To continually inform you of your child’s achievements, we have recently launched a new app called Epraise.  Epraise gives you the opportunity for live updates on how your child/children are getting on and helps to keep you up-to-date with what’s happening at the school.  This is a free app which you can download or register online once your child/children join Lealands High School.  As soon as you have an account set up, you can view how many STEP points your child/children have been awarded, register them for clubs and activities and see what intervention sessions may be available to them.

Rewards can be converted into prizes and your child can choose a reward from those available in the Reward Shop. 

The Epraise app can be downloaded for free and is available for IOS and Android smartphones.





There is a helpful guide available for parents on the Epraise website, this can be accessed by clicking this link:

There are also help sheets which can be downloaded by clicking the links below.