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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities

The Lealands Journey

We would like all students to engage with a journey of extra-curricular activities in their time at Lealands. 

Extra-curricular activities are able to:-

  • Improve academic performance
  • Enable students to explore interests and create broader perspectives
  • Encourage students to gain higher self esteem
  • Provide social opportunities
  • Develop essential life skills

To achieve these outcomes, we need as many students as possible engaging with a broad range of activities. We have considered the research and the context of our school and pupils and allocated activities that we would like to offer to our students as part of their Lealands Journey. These opportunities are a minimum offer across the school which will be become staples of the school year.

Entitlement Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
An opportunity to experience an art gallery/exhibition

Local Exhibition

Regional Exhibition
Pitt Rivers Oxford

National Gallery

National Gallery
Kew Gardens

National Gallery
Tate Modern

An opportunity to contribute or participate in an art exhibition or competition


School Christmas Card Competition - October 

International residential

Overnight abroad

Open to all 

An opportunity to experience a professional performance

Pantomime local

Local Play/Musical


An opportunity to contribute to or participate in a performance

Tutor group assemblies 
Musical evening and school play 

An opportunity to experience a high level sporting event

National league standard

National final standard

International standard


An opportunity to contribute or participate in a competitive sport

All year
Sports Day

District, County, National
All year

An opportunity to a visit a museum

Local museum
e.g. St Albans

Local museum
e.g Stockwood Discovery Centre


National museum
e.g Natural HIstory

An opportunity to visit an academic establishment

Local college/sixth form

Local University

Regional University 

National University

Local providers open evenings

An opportunity to visit a capital city


London visit


London visit

An opportunity to participate in the DoE scheme

Mini DoE 1 day

Mini DoE overnight

DoE Bronze
Practice and qualifying

DoE silver

The opportunity to take part in a residential trip     Outdoor Activities residential
Blue Peris
An opportunity to gain careers advice and  work related skills and qualifications  


Lealands Career Fair

Work experience  
Lealands Career Fair Lealands Career Fair
An opportunity to learn basic first aid techniques DfE First aid recommendations First aid qualification First aid qualification
First aid qualification
An opportunity to experience leadership responsibilities

Student leadership opportunities
Leadership umbrella

An opportunity to take part in a fundraising activity

Coffee and cake

Charity Fundraising for Luton based Charity

Outside speakers
Outside speakers
Three speakers per year
    Opportunity for some    
    Entitlement for all