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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Transition Challenges

Lealands’ teachers have prepared a number of challenges for the students to complete as part of the Steps To Success Award Scheme.  These challenges; accessed by clicking the relevant tabs below; are linked to topics in each subject that the students will be studying when they join us in September.  If your child completes one of the challenges, email us a picture of the completed challenge to transition@lealands.luton.sch.ukPlease include their full name and tutor group - this can be found on the letter sent to you at the beginning of June.  

At Lealands, students are rewarded STEP points for effort and achievement.  Throughout the year, students collect STEP points and use them to purchase reward items in the school shop.  For each challenge that is completed and emailed in, students will be awarded 3 STEP points which they will receive on their first day when they join us in September.  In addition, each time a challenge is completed, the student’s name will go into a weekly prize draw.  The weekly winner will be announced on the school’s Facebook and Twitter pages every Monday* until we start back in September (including the summer holidays).

*If you would prefer not to have your child's name added to social media, please email and mark it to the attention of Mrs Pittard.
