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Lealands High School

Lealands High School


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GCSE French and Spanish

Why choose these subjects? 

“English is simply not enough. We cannot understand the world in English. We need to be aware as never before of other languages and of the ways in which they identify and represent their cultures” ~ Footitt, October 2001

Previous students who have studied languages have told us - 

  • It’s fun
  • You find out about other people and cultures
  • Knowing a language makes you more employable
  • It can lead you into other subjects
  • It can help you make new friends
  • It can teach you about yourself and your own country
  • It gives you more confidence
  • It gives you even more of an excuse to see the world.

Other reasons include the skills you will pick up, especially -

  • Social skills
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Confidence
  • Experience
  • Open mindedness
  • Flexibility

Course content

Theme 1: People and lifestyle

  • Identity and relationships with others
  •  Healthy living and lifestyle
  • Education and work

Theme 2: Popular culture

  • Free time activities
  • Customs, festivals and celebrations
  • Celebrity culture

Theme 3: Communication and the world around us

  • Travel and tourism, including places of interest
  • Media and technology
  • The environment and where people live

Possible careers

People who speak a language earn on average 12% more from their job than people who don’t. Possible careers include:

  • Academic researcher
  • Broadcast journalist
  • Detective
  • Diplomatic service officer
  • Education consultant
  • English as a foreign language teacher
  • International aid/development worker
  • Interpreter
  • Logistics and distribution manager
  • Marketing executive
  • Patent examiner
  • Political risk analyst
  • Private tutor
  • Publishing rights manager
  • Sales executive
  • Secondary school teacher
  • Tour manager
  • Translator

If you have any questions about GCSE French or Spanish, please contact your French / Spanish teacher or any member of the Languages Department. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.