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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Lost Property

We hope that students do not lose any of their possessions. It is helpful if you mark their name on all their clothing and belongings. Students should try not to leave things lying around in unsupervised rooms. If students do lose something, they should report it to the subject teacher and tutor as soon as possible.

If a student should find anyone else's property, they must hand it in to Student Services or a member of staff immediately.

We cannot accept liability for the loss of property. Large sums of money and valuable items should not be brought to school. If for any reason a student has to bring something valuable to school, they must hand it to their tutor for safekeeping.

Mobile phones and items such as MP3 players, ipods, headphones etc, should not be used in school. If students are found using such items, they will be confiscated by staff. The item will be returned to the student at 3.30pm and a note will be made on the student's behaviour record.

At the moment we have a considerable amount of lost property – coats, PE kits, shoes, hats, scarves, jumpers and blazers. Most of the items have no names on them so it is difficult to “reunite”
them with the students.
Unfortunately, due to limited space, we are unable to store everything for an unlimited timeframe. 
We will arrange for a display of the lost property one week before the end of each half term in the atrium at break, lunch time and after school until 4.00pm.
After this time, any unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity. 
Parents are welcome to visit and check lost property after school in these weeks.