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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Student Voice

Empowering students to make change by ensuring they are heard.

Lealands High School Student Voice groups aim to ensure that the views and opinions of students across the school are heard and taken into account when decisions are made.

The aim of staff and students at Lealands High School is to ensure that all students feel confident to express their opinions and give their ideas on how to improve the school and their education.

Student Voice relies on volunteers who are interested in getting involved and playing a greater part in the running of the school.

This might be by getting involved in student forums, planning and delivering whole school or year group assemblies, completing student surveys or opinion postcards, arranging meetings with staff to express the views of individuals or groups or organising charity events and school celebrations.

Student Voice Meetings

  • Student Voice meetings will take place once every half term and will be coordinated by Mr Taplin and the Senior Student Leadership Team.
  • Volunteer members from each group will feedback to PSMs and Heads of Year.
  • Articles will be written for school newsletters to update students, staff, parents and Governors on the projects and events being organised.

Meeting Dates*

 Tuesday 11th October 2022
Tuesday 15th November 2022
Tuesday 24th January 2023
Tuesday 14th March 2023
Tuesday 16th May 2023
Tuesday 20th June 2023

*Meeting dates may be subject to change.