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Lealands High School

Lealands High School


Governors Committee Listing 2023-2024

Full Governing Body    
Stella Akiboye Vice Chair Co-opted Governor
Abdul Basit   Co-opted Governor
John Burridge   Headteacher
Carmen Chilom   Parent Governor
Edel Gillespie   Co-opted Governor
Melissa Llewellyn   Parent Governor
Donna Parke   LA Governor
Amy Sheridan Chair Foundation Governor
Emma Warren   Staff Governor


Achieving Excellence Plan (AEP) Links / Monitoring
Objective 1 Stella Akiboye
Objective 2  Amy Sheridan
Objective 3 Carmen Chilom

 Committee Listing:

Self Evaluation Working Party
Amy Sheridan
Student Disciplinary/Exclusions Committee
Stella Akiboye
Carmen Chilom
Edel Gillespie
All members of the GB will be called upon to sit on any disciplinaries/exclusions as required.
Appeals Committee For Staff
Stella Akiboye
Carmen Chilom
Amy Sheridan
All members of the GB will be called upon to sit on any appeals as and when they may arise.
Headteacher's Performance Management/Pay Committee
Stella Akiboye
Carmen Chilom
Amy Sheridan
Specific Responsibilities
British Values and Personal Development Melissa Llewellyn / Emma Warren
Careers Stella Akiboye
Disadvantaged Students Edel Gillespie
Equality Stella Akiboye
Governor Training Link Emma Warren
Health and Safety Abdul Basit
Looked After Children Carmen Chilom
More Able Students Amy Sheridan
New Governor Mentor Amy Sheridan
Safeguarding Donna Parke
Safer Recruitment Edel Gillespie
SEND Amy Sheridan