Literacy Week and World Book Day
Monday 29th February - Friday 4th March was Literacy Week here at Lealands, which included World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March.
Monday 29th February - Friday 4th March was Literacy Week here at Lealands, which included World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March.
The purpose of the week was to promote the importance of literacy across the curriculum so that students understand that basic literacy skills are essential in all lessons and not just in English.
The week included an inspiring visit from local author, Stephen Kelman, who presented his books and his experiences of being an author to students throughout the day. (See the full report from his visit on page 24)
To encourage and inspire the students to continue to read for pleasure, they participated in a number of events and reading based activities. Assemblies and all Key Stage 3 lessons across the curriculum had a Sherlock Holmes inspired focus.
In science, art and technology, students were learning about fingerprinting and analysing footprints. In history, students learnt about Victorian London and in geography, students were looking at maps of Whitechapel in London.
During lunchtimes, Year 9 students were running a ‘Book Swap’ in the atrium. It offered the opportunity for students to swap books they either didn’t like or had finished reading with a different one.
On the final day of Literacy Week, staff and students came to school dressed as their favourite book characters. It was great to see everyone make such a fantastic effort with their costumes and many prizes are due to be given out in rewards assemblies at the end of term to congratulate students on the fantastic effort they put in during the week across the whole of curriculum.