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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Blue Peris 2023

On Sunday 19th November, 36 Year 9 students and 5 Lealands staff hopped on board a coach headed to Snowdonia, North Wales. The Blue Peris trip was finally here!

On arrival, the students were encouraged to make their beds and unpack their cases. Then all the specialist equipment was issued. Everyone received a pair of wellies and a balaclava. After dinner there was a night walk up to Electric Mountain with the rain and the wind making their first appearance but by no means their last!

A long first night with excited adventurers struggling to get to sleep eventually came to an end just after midnight. The next day arrived, 6:30am and the silence was broken with the iconic wake up tune being played at volume setting eleven. Get up, stand up! Lots of bleary eyes headed for the showers and then on to a hearty breakfast. This was the routine every day and even though they said they hated that song, most were singing it across the week.
Every student had the opportunity to climb a real mountain AND go underground at the deepest mine in the UK. They all visited the same gorge and waded through the icy water or jumped into the freezing plunge pool after crawling through the Elephant's Bum, yes it is really called that (well something quite close). Last but not least they went Sea Level Traversing on the beautiful island of Anglesey. 

Then it was time to clean the house and minibuses, hand in all the equipment and say a fond farewell to Blue Peris. I am sure all present will have made life long memories and hopefully, proved to themselves that they are capable of achieving great things if they just believe in themselves and never give up!