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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Dunstable Downs Trip

On Friday the 4th of March, the LEAP cohort enjoyed a morning of walking at Dunstable Downs with Mr Payne, Miss Phipps and Miss Bush accompanying the students on the outing. After a short minibus journey they arrived and were eager to start exploring! 

The East of England is not known for hills. However, Dunstable Downs are not only an area of outstanding natural beauty, but an amazing 243m above sea level - the highest point in Bedfordshire. 

The weather remained on our side and despite some strong winds and a scattering of light showers, the hikers pushed on, managing to spot an array of wildlife as we walked. The end point of our route was a particularly high peak with an amazing outlook over miles of lush countryside. 

After taking in the views, it was time for the group to head back. Spurred on by the promise of hot chocolate and treats awaiting them at the cafe, they reached the finish line with ease. Out of the cold and with warm mugs in their hands, the group shared lots of laughs and reflected on how nice it had been to spend time outdoors surrounded by nature. Before we knew it, lunch was fast approaching, and it was time for our tired explorers to head back to school.  

The LEAP team couldn’t have been prouder of how the students conducted themselves throughout the morning and with restrictions finally starting to ease, are looking forward to making outdoor learning experiences a regular part of the curriculum once again.