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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Year 10 Work Experience 2022

In February, some of our Year 10 students took part in a one week work experience programme.

This gave our students the opportunity to spend a week with a local business of their choice learning and acquiring news skills, as well as experiencing work life first hand in their chosen field.  

Our students worked in a number of organisations, from well-known retail outlets to local nurseries and restaurants.

It was a great success and I would like to congratulate our students for their hard work and commitment in completing their placement. 

Here are some of the accounts taken from students:

“For our work experience we arranged to work at the Mall Nursery.

We worked with a variety of children from all different backgrounds and ethnic groups and we were responsible for children who were 3 to 4 year olds.

Our duties included supervising the children at all times; making sure they were safe and happy. We took part in a variety of activities such as; reading stories, singing songs, colouring and painting.  We also had to support the nursery assistants to tidy up and make sure everything was clean and covid safe.  

We really enjoyed working at the Mall Nursery and we got chocolates and flowers for helping and working hard”.

Zoe, 104ET and Adelina, 106JD

“For my placement, I worked at ‘Fit N Fresh Kitchen’ based near the Mall Shopping Centre. They are a business who make fresh meals to order, to help clients eat healthily and keep a balanced diet.

My responsibilities varied each day and during the week I helped prepare meals; buying ingredients as well as helping with the delivery and packaging of the meals.  I was also responsible for making their popular protein shakes and bars which were made fresh in the kitchen.  On busy days we made 700 fresh meals and around 1000 protein bars!

The kitchen was really busy and overall it was a great experience. I learnt a lot about the catering and food industry”.

Kyle, 107PO

“For my work experience, I worked at my dad’s fashion outlet ‘Tiptop’, which specialises in selling clothes trainers and accessories.

At the placement, I did a variety of jobs including; meeting and greeting customers at the front of the store, helping with sales, answering queries and stock taking. I was also responsible for making sure the shop floor was tidy before it opened to the public every morning.

My hours of work were from 10am to 6pm.

I really enjoyed my work experience as I learnt so much about how a business runs and the importance of customer service and communication”.  

Shareef, 105NP

“I found my placement at ‘Jardines’, a local chemist, as I want to work with medicine in the future and become a doctor.  My work experience went by very quickly and everyday was really busy.   

I was responsible for checking deliveries and making sure the correct medicines were in stock. I also dispensed prescriptions to customers under close supervision, as well as answering customer enquiries.

Working at the placement helped me understand how a chemist operates and manages patient confidentiality.

I really enjoyed my work experience and the staff at Jardines Chemist were really kind and helpful”.

Genevieve, 108CC

Some more photos from the week: