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Lealands High School

Lealands High School

Lealands' Careers Fair 2019

On Thursday 24th January, we hosted our fifth annual Careers Fair for students in Years 8-11.

Local businesses, further education colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers were invited to provide information and advice, entry requirements and offer inspiration to our students about their future and opportunities beyond Lealands High School.

Students were encouraged to visit all of the exhibitors available; asking questions and finding out information which they could use to make informed choices about their future. There were course guides to collect, surveys to fill in, competitions to enter, leaflets and lots of interesting goodies to pick up. The Phoenix Starr Academy representatives even performed some fantastic dance demos for our students to watch.

Our annual Careers Fair has proved to be an excellent opportunity for our students as they consider their future; offering valuable face-to-face time with potential recruiters and specialists in their fields.